A selection of photographs from commissions, projects, and personal work.

Student at Wanlin Dance School, Sheffield.

Artist Pamela Leung, photographed in Sheffield.

Hafsah at the FURD (Football Unites, Racism Divides) pitches in Sheffield.

Ingolf and Susan with their granddaughter, Sheffield.

School children learning with the Sheffield Wheat Experiment, a project aimed at re-imagining our food systems.

Horse Boy Camp for children on the autism spectrum, Cornwall, England.

Nina, studying in Sheffield.

Old friends in Siret, Romania.

Liu Yu Bin, Dalian, China.

Shirley, at home in Sheffield.

Rehearsals at Wanlin Dance School, Sheffield.

At a football tournament between youth services in Sheffield.

Mrs Cheng, Sheffield.

Daniel, at home in Suceava, Romania.

Sheffield United Community Ladies FC.

Hillsborough Pumas U11 football team, Sheffield.

Miss Punny checks the weather from her porch in Festus, Missouri, USA.

Miss Punny finishes work for the day on her community garden in Festus, Missouri, USA.

Ali plays piano at the Lazarus Centre for homeless youth in Bucharest, Romania.

Petrica and his mother, Gheoghina, Bucovina, Romania.

Adilah on her wedding day, Sheffield.

Watching cartoons in Dharapani, Nepal.

Volunteer at Abbeydale Miniature Railway, Sheffield.

Artist Donna Brewins, Sheffield.

Artist Lea Torp Nielsen, Sheffield.

Caroline and Jon try out all-terrain wheelchairs provided by Experience Community, part of a National Trust project to enhance access in the Skell Valley, North Yorkshire.

Su Cheng Xing and Lin Jun Xiu, Cha Yuan village, Gansu Province, China.

Minna, at home in Sheffield.

Yvonne Witter, poet and Chair of Peak District Mosaic.

Chairobics, Sheffield Chinese Community Centre.

Adrian and Rodica, Siret, Romania.

Korean Shamanism, Inwangsan Mountain, Seoul.

Qingqing, a student from Tianjin in China with her homestay host Uncle Douglas as they say grace before dinner, Sheffield.
Zhang Gou Liang, in his dormitory in Dalian. China’s 流动人口 ‘liudong renkou’ floating (migrant) population of construction workers was estimated at 20 million pre-Beijing Olympic Games.

Petrica and Rodica, Siret, Romania.

Backstage at the Chinese New Year Gala, Sheffield City Hall.

Polish church for the homeless, Sheffield.

Sheffield Chinese School.